Announcement: Edition 7 Revision/Update is now available for download
For several months I have been diligently working on a major update/revision to SJR's full judgment recovery training materials. I am pleased to announce that I have completed the update (finally!) and the long awaited e-version of Edition 7 is now available for download on the SJR Member Association website:
The print version is also complete; we're just waiting for the initial printing to be completed and shipped. I know that some of you have been waiting for your hard copy materials for quite some time, and I sincerely apologize for the delay. Please be patient for just a little longer, and we will notify you when the books have returned from the printer and are ready to ship.
If anyone else would also like to add the hard copy training materials to your library, they can be ordered from the website at the above link. Due to the significant increase in the length of the materials, I will be adjusting the current price to offset printing costs on October 1, 2019.
Kind Regards,